Thursday, December 17, 2015

Original Star Wars "Luke Skywalker" Mark Hamill Reveals Details about Growing Up in a Military Family

Did you know that actor Mark Hamill grew up in a Navy family and lived all over the world? Chapter 9 of the book Military Kids Speak features Mark Hamill who played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy. Enjoy these thoughts from Mark:

Where did you live growing up?
"Port Hueneme, CA; Williamsburg, VA; San Jose, CA; New York City, NY; San Diego, CA; Alexandria, VA; and Yokohama, Japan."

"We moved about every two years, except for our time in San Diego. We lived in San Diego for four years, which was great. I went to fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades there. Even so, I went to three different schools there. We moved to a different house after I finished fourth grade. So I went to a different school for fifth and sixth grades. And then I changed schools to start junior high school."

Was it easy making new friends when you moved to a new place?
"It would take me a little while, but it wasn't hard. There is a lot of camaraderie among military kids. I remember being in Japan and looking at this guy thinking he looked familiar. One day we were in the cafeteria at school and he said, 'I thought the same thing about you.' It turns out we had been buddies when we were eight or nine years old and living in San Diego. It was a wonderful moment. It was so out of context that it took us a moment to figure out how we knew each other."

How did you feel about the military lifestyle - deploying, relocating, making friends?
"Growing up, we moved from coast to coast about every two years. When I was very young, it was an adventure. I loved the monumental scope of packing everything up and driving across country - staying in hotels or camping out. It was all very exciting."

"But as I got older and started going to dances and wanting to hold hands with girls, then I really disliked moving intensely. I disliked the idea of it. You move to a new place and you'd be a stranger, be the outsider for two, three, or four months. After I got settled in, I always liked where we lived."

Check out Chapter 9 of Military Kids Speak to "hear" more from Mark Hamill about:

  • what activities he was involved in as a child
  • what he learned from being raised in a military family that made him successful now
  • what his biggest challenge was and how he handled it
  • how he got the part of Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy
  • where to write to Mark
One of my favorite stories was how Mark got a drama club started at his high school in Japan. Just because an activity doesn't exist when you arrive doesn't mean you can't get it going!

Here are a few final words of advice to other military kids from Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hamill:
"Take your experience and make it work for you, because you are unique. Maximize the opportunities you have that civilian kids will never be offered. Be proud of your parent's service and know you are special."

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Julie Rahm

Mindset means everything. And no one knows this better than Julie Rahm, aka America's Mindset Mechanic. A former naval physicist, Julie applies physics to the energy of human thought and the results thoughts create. As a military daughter, spouse and mother-in-law she has experienced the challenges of deployment separations, frequent moves and telecommuting careers while remaining happy and achieving her dreams. With her passion and people-loving style, Julie has provided the metaphorical tools for thousands of people to bridge the gap between their thoughts and their lives. Julie Rahm, M.S., is a certified Frame of Mind Coach who has appeared on numerous television and radio broadcasts, including The Phil Knight Show and ABC affiliates. She hosts The Mindset Mechanic LIVE on Saturdays and Sundays on FM107.1 WTKF and AM1240 WJNC in Eastern NC. Her weekly column The Mindset Mechanic appears in The Pamlico News. She has been quoted in numerous newspapers, and on the web at and Julie is an inspirational keynote speaker conveying life lessons through a blend of intuitive success strategies, enlightened wisdom, humor and fun. She is the Champion of Military Kids around the World. Julie's latest book is Volume I of Military Kids Speak.

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