Monday, December 6, 2010

A Military Life, By Ruth Burgess, Age 12

Life in the military is supposed to be hard, they say, but I don't agree with them. Maybe it's because I've spent my whole life in a military family, and that I don't know what it feels like to settle down and stay in one place for the rest of my life. Maybe it's because I'm so used to barely seeing my father, or because I'm accustomed to saying good-bye every two or three years. Maybe it's because I'm so used to moving to different places, always being the new kid. But to me, life in the military is exciting, and if I mess up, I can always start again in a new place. My freedom is much larger than any normal child because overseas I live in a protected, safe community. The expenses are surprisingly low where you can buy cereal for two dollars, or a loaf of bread below a dollar.

I've visited places that no child has ever dreamed about going. I've been in China and climbed the Great Wall! I've been to Egypt and have walked in the pyramids! I've visited and lived in so many places, and experienced so many wonderful events. It's hard to believe all of this could fit into a twelve year old. I cannot deny that social life is hard, leaving the friends you have been with, and thinking you might never see them again. It might be hard to adjust to the people around you, who are not talking in the same language, or maybe in restaurants you are thinking, “Squid with fries? Where can I have a decent American meal?”

In my opinion, it's worth it. If I had a chance to settle down and stay in one place forever, I wouldn't want to take it. Why? Because I enjoy having more responsibility than other people. I love how I get to go and live in exotic places and see different cultures. These opportunities that I have, these experiences, are things that I treasure. And I would never, ever, want to 1eave.


Julie Rahm

Mindset means everything. And no one knows this better than Julie Rahm, aka America's Mindset Mechanic. A former naval physicist, Julie applies physics to the energy of human thought and the results thoughts create. As a military daughter, spouse and mother-in-law she has experienced the challenges of deployment separations, frequent moves and telecommuting careers while remaining happy and achieving her dreams. With her passion and people-loving style, Julie has provided the metaphorical tools for thousands of people to bridge the gap between their thoughts and their lives. Julie Rahm, M.S., is a certified Frame of Mind Coach who has appeared on numerous television and radio broadcasts, including The Phil Knight Show and ABC affiliates. She hosts The Mindset Mechanic LIVE on Saturdays and Sundays on FM107.1 WTKF and AM1240 WJNC in Eastern NC. Her weekly column The Mindset Mechanic appears in The Pamlico News. She has been quoted in numerous newspapers, and on the web at and Julie is an inspirational keynote speaker conveying life lessons through a blend of intuitive success strategies, enlightened wisdom, humor and fun. She is the Champion of Military Kids around the World. Julie's latest book is Volume I of Military Kids Speak.

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